
Genesis 1:26 then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish, the birds, the livestock and all creatures that move along the ground.”

God said, “Let us make,” that ‘Let us’ is plural, which means more than one. As a young person in church, no one explained to me that, ‘Let us’ was the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I always wondered who else was with God at the creation.

Second of all, God said, “So that they may rule.” They also is plural and means more than one. So now you know that one community, Father, Son and Holy Spirit started another community, man and woman and told them to be fruitful, which means to continue to grow the community.

We were meant to be in a community or fellowship with other like minded people as we inhabit the earth.

The spirit of this age is driving us apart and trying to isolate all of us. Technology or shall we say ‘screens’ are one thing that is pulling us from ‘community’ and separating us from each other.

‘The Anxious Generation’ by Jonathan Haidt argues that the transition from a play-based childhood to a phone-based childhood has been a disaster. A play-based childhood is a community or neighborhood of children playing together without direct adult supervision and no screens.

Let me encourage you to rejoin a community. Come to church on Sunday mornings. Pick one, of the many churches, in your community and go to church this Sunday. Lay down your technology and do something new.

We are in the season of Lent right now until Easter. A time of fasting, prayer, Bible reading, worship, transformation and giving, of our time and our money to others.

Start something new in your lives this Sunday morning. Shut off your screens, come join a community and save your own life and your children.

May the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be always acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my rock, and my redeemer. Amen

Little River Football Book

Stephanie Prince Young has published a book on Little River’s 2020 football season and it’s 100 years of sports history. Click here to see it on Amazon.

Coaches, ask your local city, county, school library to order this book so you and your staff and players can read this book.

Here is a short paragraph from the acknowledgements:

“He showed me how every season, team, game, player, coach and even halves and quarters of a game can have a tale to tell, a unique path and history. So many stories collide during every season and every game. He showed me how deep and emotional the sport could be, how close a team can become, how much the game means to the players, how in-depth the strategies are and how graceful a well-executed play can be. And I saw firsthand the impact a good coach has on young men.”


Liberal Football Coach Speaks

Liberal Football Coach tells it like it is, working with the Superintendent and the School Board in Liberal. Read the comments to the right also. This is an eye opener!

He also takes aim at the State of Kansas and Fort Hays State.

If you don’t have facebook you should be able to hit the X button, top right of the pop up screen, and then it will show the video behind.

You will have to hit the sound button also.

Luetters Steps Down as Football Coach

Liberal Superintendent resigns

The challenges of staffing schools


Final Rankings December 3, 2024

Our final ranking of the year is to crown the overall Super Champion of the State of Kansas in High School Football.

This year St Thomas Aquinas is the overall Super Champion of Kansas in High School Football. Click on the link above to see the regular season games of the Saints.

The opponents this year of Aquinas were impressive and the Saints were up to the task of winning all their games. In the playoffs, the Saints defeated Mill Valley by one point, and that is why Mill Valley is number two in our Super Top 10.

How about those Coyotes of Weskan? They defeat Cunningham by one point in the championship game in class 6-man.

The entire football season has been awesome. For the most part the weather was perfect for football. But on any day, “It’s a Great Day for Football.”

The only sad thing is, we have to wait for another 9 months for the first high school football game.

Super Top 10 All-Classes
1.   St Thomas Aquinas
2.   Mill Valley
3.   Gardner-Edgerton
4.   Manhattan
5.   Derby
6.   Blue Valley West
7.   St James
8.   Andover Central
9.   Andale
10. Hays
11. Blue Valley NW

1. Gardner-Edgerton
2. Manhattan
3. Blue Valley West
4. Derby
5. Blue Valley NW
Others: none

1. Aquinas
2. Mill Valley
3. St James
4. Hays
5. Great Bend
Others: Goddard-Eisenhower

1. Andover Central
2. Bishop Miege
3. Louisburg
4. Buhler
5. Chanute
Others: Wellington

1. Andale
2. Hayden
3. Cheney
4. Collegiate
5. Holcomb
Others: Scott City, Wellsville

1. SE of Saline
2. Nemaha Central
3. Beloit
4. Osage City
5. Council Grove
Others: none

1. Conway Springs
2. Centralia
3. Rossville
4. Marion
5. Valley Heights
Others: Jackson Heights

8-man D-I
1. Hoxie
2. Wichita Co-Leoti
3. South Central
4. Central Plains
5. Atwood
Others: Clifton-Clyde

8-man D-II
1. Axtell
2. Frankfort
3. Burlingame
4. Victoria
5. Hanover
Others: Dighton

1. Weskan
2. Cunningham
3. Golden Plains
4. South Barber
5. Ingalls
Others: Tescott

Long time Ranking team members
Rich Epp OpenSpacesSports Colby
Dusty Deines Ad Astra Radio Hutchinson/McPherson
Conor Nichol Sunflower Sports SolutionsHays
Jim Misunas Great Bend Tribune Great Bend
Adam Kadavy KSKL Scott City/Garden City
Brock Kappelmann KSCB Liberal
Tim McGonagle KSKL Scott City/Garden City
Rocky Downing KFRM 550 AM
Pat Strathman ESPN Wichita