Danforth Chapel


It is tough to read this sign, from my picture, inside Danforth Chapel on the Kansas State University campus but it is worth reading. Danforth Chapel was built in 1949 with funds donated by Mr. and Mrs. William Danforth. It was dedicated to Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower to honor K-State war casualties, and is a popular venue for weddings.

To honor Veterans Day, November 11th. Let me encourage you to go to the chapel and take a moment to honor our war casualties and honor God. The sign says:

The Danforth Chapel Dedicated to the Worship of God with the Prayer that here, in Communion with the Highest, those who enter may acquire the Spiritual Power to Aspire Nobly, Adventure Daringly, Serve Humbly.

If you click on the picture it will open a new window and is better for reading.